This is a perfect quick whip together for when you want something tasty at the end of your day with out too much fussiness. And it could be a perfect first date meal. Mmmm bacon.
Here is what you need:
- 1/2 pound bacon- good quality. Mainly meat.
- pasta (anything you like - spaghetti, flat pasta)
- sweet corn (about 2 ears), cut off the cob-
- 1 med red onion diced
- 2 ounces sun dried tomatoes-smoked,
- 3 TBS Gorgonzola
- 3 TBS mascarpone
- 1/2 cup white wine
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
This is a multi-tasking meal made in two pans. One for boiling the pasta, the other for making the meal.
Chop up your bacon and put into your pan. Medium heat.
While the bacon is cooking, dice up your onion add to the pan.
Get your water boiling for the pasta.
Cut the corn off of the cob-break the ears in half for a flat surface to place onto the cutting board. Add to the pan. Place pasta into boiling water and cook per directions.
When the bacon is cooked to your satisfaction, add the wine and the sun dried tomatoes. Cook until the wine is reduced.
Add the cheese and fold into the pan. Pasta should be ready to come off and drain.
Plate up and top off with fresh basil.
Happy Eating.
Let me know what you changed up to make it your own.
Bloody delicious! The balence in flavours between the bacon, corn, and cheese was spot on. I can definitely see the need for "quality" bacon.