Wednesday, August 29, 2012

8/29/2012 Wheat Bread & Yogurt

It has been a while since I have posted in here. My Cannon Powershot G6 is not letting me upload the pictures to the computer regardless of how many different cables I use. I will be using my husband super cool Nikon until I get mine fixed.

Today is going to be a hyperlink day. Because these the ones I have been using and they work out perfectly every time.

I could not find my original bread person on the web and this one is the same recipe.
The only thing I change is I use three (3) cups wheat flour and three (3) white flour.
I use a Pullman Bread Pan it makes the bread nice and square. Perfect for slicing.

I make my own yogurt. It is really easy to do at home and you do not need any fancy equipment such as those individual containers. If you have a crock pot with a removable center and 4 quart Mason jars, you are half way there. Now all you need are the ingredients.

I no longer follow a recipe, this one close to what I do. Except, when the milk is cooling, I preheat my oven to 170 degrees. When it reaches the temp, I add my cultures, whip it until frothy, place in oven and TURN THE OVEN OFF. Let it sit overnight and if there is too much whey (liquid) use a flour sack towel (which you can find at Wal-mart or Target) and a colander to remover extra whey. If you remove too much you are on your way to yogurt cheese and yogurt cream cheese.
Homemade yogurt has a bit more tang to it, so do not be alarmed by that. You can also make it with 2% milk. If you have an Aldi near you, get your milk there. Bring your own bags, if you have never been to Aldi before and a quarter for the cart.

The milk is good and sometimes you can purchase milk for $1.99 a gallon. Currently, it is $2.99. Still better than most larger stores.

Happy Cooking!
Let me know what you changed to make it your own dish.

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